Economy-boosting services to be delivered by Norfolk County Council
Business support and economy-boosting services previously delivered by New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) are to continue following its integration into Norfolk County Council as part of the Government's devolution process. Functions include business representation, strategic economic planning, and responsibility for the delivery of government programmes.
Business support will continue to be provided by New Anglia Growth Hub - which delivers the LEP's business growth programme, including the administration of grant schemes. Over a ten year period, the New Anglia Growth Hub has supported businesses and the region's economy, creating new jobs and safeguarding existing employment.
Major construction and infrastructure projects across Norfolk have received significant funding due to the LEP's Growth Deal with Government, which secured £223.5m for the region to 2021. This included the centre for engineering, technology and management at the University of East Anglia.
Established by the government in 2011, New Anglia LEP has:
- Attracted around £350m in Government funding to Norfolk and Suffolk, attracting a further £1.3bn in public and private sector funds.
- Awarded over 1,800 grants totalling £51.4m to businesses and organisations in the region.
- Invested £4.172m in high growth businesses through its angel co-fund New Anglia Capital.
- Supported over 13,000 businesses and delivered nearly 74,000 hours of support via New Anglia Growth Hub.
- Added £1bn to the local economy over 10 years through its Business Growth Programme.
- Supported the delivery of 5,476 jobs and 222 businesses via its Enterprise Zones.