James attended Nova Training's post-16 option open day to learn more about North West Norfolk's alternative sixth form or college provision. James met with Catherine Hersee, Induction and Placement Officer, who told him about the centre's personal development and apprenticeship options.
Nova Training provides an alternative route to the traditional post-16 sixth form or college path. The centre helps cater to students who may not have enjoyed school for various reasons and are looking to enter the world of work through either an apprenticeship or employment.
During their time with Nova, students may complete GCSEs & Functional Skills in Maths and English and gain work experience and apprenticeship placements.
Catherine also explained to James the great incentives the centre offers, such as a generous bursary scheme which can cover the cost of students' travel, lunch, and expenses.
Nova Training is always keen to work with local employers who can offer work experience and apprenticeships to their students. The centre is particularly eager to connect with employers who can offer this work in construction.
To find out more about Nova Training, please visit: Apprenticeships | Traineeships | Black Country | Norfolk | Sandwell | Birmingham | Wolverhampton | Hereford (novatraining.co.uk)