Local contractors and suppliers are being invited to attend a ‘Meet the Buyer’ event.
Hosted by the borough council and its partners, the free event will take place on Friday 19th April 2024 at King’s Lynn Town Hall and will provide an overview of the significant development projects that are planned and underway for the town and to find out about potential opportunities offered through the multi-million pound developments that are taking place over the next 3 -4 years.
This includes, the new Multi User Community Hub, Active Travel Hubs, St George’s Guildhall, and the Riverfront Regeneration, all being delivered as part of King’s Lynn Town Deal.
In addition, there will be information on the Lovell Major Housing partnership with the borough council which is creating up to 1,000 new homes. And, there will also be an update on Norfolk County Council led highway schemes including the new West Winch Housing Access Road, as well as the Southgates and Gyratory highway schemes.
The event will allow contractors and suppliers to find out about these projects, learn of opportunities to be part of principal contractors’ supply chains, and register interest for contracts.
As well as presentations on the projects, there will also be bookable 1-2-1 slots available with the main contractors – Mace Group, Morgan Sindall Group plc, and Lovell Partnership Ltd - and the borough council’s procurement team.
In addition, throughout the day projects and organisations which can offer advice and support - including New Anglia Growth Hub, College of West Anglia, Norfolk Chamber of Commerce, and the Federation of Small Business - will also be on hand to talk to.